Sexual Reproductive Justice & Youth-Adult Partnerships

The Love Heals Center for Youth & Families at GMHC works to offer youth opportunities to contribute to our program delivery in meaningful ways. Promoting healthy relationships with trusted adults is proven to have positive sexual and reproductive health outcomes.

Click below to learn how to apply Youth-Adult Partnerships in your personal life or at your youth-serving organization:

Sexual Reproductive Justice (SRJ) is a framework invented by women of color to address the historic reproductive health abuses experienced by marginalized communities and to help envision an alternative way to approach reproductive health in these communities moving forward. SisterSong, a major proponent and trailblazer for SRJ defines it as, “the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities”.

Watch the video below to see how Sexual Reproductive Justice (SRJ) may have played a role in your life and follow this link to learn how to get involved in the DOHMH’s initiative to promote SRJ in New York City.

Click below to discover the four central tenets of Sexual Reproductive Justice:

To Schedule a free Sexual Reproductive Justice and Youth-Adult Partnerships Workshop for you or your youth-serving organizations, please contact Danielle Krushnic at